Results: List of publications


  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Sprawczość rycin. Rzymska twórczość Tomasza Tretera i jej europejskie oddziaływanie, Cracow: Universitas, 2017
  • Kamil Kopania (ed.), Dolls, Puppets, Sculptures and Living Images. From the Middle Ages to the End of the 18th Century, Białystok: The Alexander Zelwerowicz National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, 2017
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Ika Matyjaszkiewicz and Zuzanna Sarnecka (eds.), The Agency of Things in Medieval and Early Modern Art: Materials, Power and Manipulation, New York and London: Routledge, 2018

  • Articles and chapters

  • Zuzanna Sarnecka, Monteripido and the Identity of Wooden Crucifixes in the Culture of Fifteenth-Century Umbria, Arte medievale, IV ser. 4 (2014), pp. 209-230
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, A Miracle of Art and Therefore a Miraculous Image. A Neglected Aspect of the Reception of Michelangelo’s Vatican Pietà, Artibus et Historiae, 72 (2015). Pp. 175-198
  • Kamil Kopania, Animating Christ in Late Medieval and Early Modern Poland, Preternature, 4/1 (2015), pp. 78-109
  • Chapter I in: Antoni Ziemba, Wspólnota rzeczy: sztuka niderlandzka i północnoeuropejska 1380-1520, Warsaw: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego: 2015, pp. 18-62 (Sztuka Burgundii i Niderlandów 1380-1500, vol. III)
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Between the First and the Third Rome: The Cult of Marian Images in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, in: Icône dans la pensée et dans l’art. Constitutions, contestations, réinventions de la notion d’image divine en contexte chrétien, ed. Kristina Mitalaïte, Anca Vasiliu, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, pp. 382-416 ‹Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, 10›

  • Conference papers and lectures

  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Printed Images Crossing Borders: an Allegory of the Catholic Church and Its Dissemination in Late Sixteenth Century Europe (keynote lecture at 5th Congress of RefoRC Transregional Reformations, KU Leuven, May 2015)
  • Antoni Ziemba, keynote lecture at the conference Po stronie rzeczy – współczesne badania nad przedmiotem z perspektywy badań nad wizualnością (Warsaw, Muzeum Warszawskiej Pragi, October 2015)
  • Kamil Kopania, presentation at the workshop Interdisciplinary Approaches to Medieval Material Religion (University of Birmingham and Museum of the Order of St. John, London, June 2016)
  • Grażyna Jurkowlaniec, Between Rome and Muscovy: Images of the Virgin Mary in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (paper at the conference Reviving Visions. Artist and Scholars between East and West, University of Cologne, October 2016)
  • Kamil Kopania, Salvation Through Animation: Late Medieval and Early Modern Sculptures with Movable Parts (guest lecture, University of Bristol, February 2017)
  • Zuzanna Sarnecka, Framing with the Glaze: The Della Robbia Technique (paper at the conference of the Renaissance Society of America, Chicago, April/May 2017)